In the book of Romans chapter 5 verse 3 says we glory in tribulation because it works patience or perseverance. Patience as a fruit of the Holy Spirit can only be apprehended or attained supernaturally. Tribulation has a way of getting the job done. It is the difficult place so many of us find ourselves in. Many of us do not pass the test and fail to produce the character which comes next.
As believers we are being tested at this moment to see if we will trust God when not all appears to be going well. Can God be trusted to fulfill His promise when evil seems to have taken over? This is a real good time to wait and see the salvation of the Lord. The character that perseverance produces will overcome evil because it is God’s character. Character in turn brings hope. That seems odd to us. Why would character bring hope?. It says that hope does not disappoint or make ashamed. Persevering through a season can seems hopeless. Nothing is happening; nothing is working, or so it seems. If this season of waiting is our lot then rest assured character will produce hope and this is what the world needs in the face of fear.
None of us possess patience on our own. When man fell from God our only hope was to accept God’s offer of forgiveness for our disobedience. We acknowledge that to have the mind of Christ is to be in right relationship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. Tribulation is a beautiful way for God to conform us to the image of His Son. To have His mind and His heart. One example is the apostle John on the isle of Patmos. In the first chapter of Revelation he writes, “I John, your brother and companion in the tribulation, kingdom, and patience of Jesus Christ.” He was fully experiencing a measure of tribulation in God’s Kingdom that had to do with patience. It is thought provoking that he adds patience in his journey. Paul says it is through faith and patience we will inherit the promise. So to obtain the promise, God knows how to deal with us to produce the end result needful for our justification and redemption.